![]() For the last ten days my mother-in-law has been visiting. I know that for many of you just the thought of the dreaded in-laws brings on a full body shudder followed by a couple of shots of something akin to gasoline in order to provide you with the necessary courage to withstand such an ordeal. However, for me this is a time filled with joy. I’m one of the few women who is lucky enough to have a mother-in-law who is the embodiment of laughter and love. As we had a guest we decided to take some time to explore one of my favorite cities, Edmonton. Edmonton is the capital of Alberta, Canada, and the closest city to my home in Northern Alberta. It is one of the sunniest places in Canada with over 2000 hours of sunshine a year, and with a population of over a million it has a lot to offer the tourist. As you drive into Edmonton on roads flanked by strip malls and office buildings you might not realise that in its heart is a river valley that boasts 22 parks. It’s the largest area of urban parkland in North America. Edmonton is also a place of festivals with over 30 events a year. No matter what time you come you will be able to find something unique and interesting to see and do. Here are some of the things we did in our ten days:- We ziplinned and swam at West Edmonton Mall’s waterpark. (West Edmonton Mall is the largest mall in North America with a waterpark, an amusement park, an ice rink, a hotel, and of course, tons of stores) We went to the races at Northlands and lost a small amount of money – but that was expected. And cheering the horses on was fun. ![]() And we enjoyed an assortment of delicious food provided by a wide variety of restaurants at A Taste of Edmonton – this is an event where restaurateurs provide a sample of their food and you pay a minimal fee to try a their product. What’s your favorite city? And if you had a guest what events or sights would you visit?
Sandra Dailey
7/26/2014 07:39:29 pm
My favorite city in my neck of the woods is St. Augustine, Florida, the oldest city in the US. It's about an hours drive from my house.
7/26/2014 11:01:19 pm
Sandra, St. Augustine looks magnificent. What wonderful architecture. How great it must be to live near a city with such history. I've put it on my list of places to visit. 7/27/2014 12:04:51 am
Nice post. My favorite city is Pittsburgh, PA where the three rivers come together (the Allegheny and Monogahela join the Ohio River). The city is tucked into the point. Great shopping, great baseball with the Pirates, lots of science and culture for the family, and you can take a cruise on the river.
7/27/2014 01:16:08 am
Pittsburgh sounds great, Judy Ann, and I hear there are trolley rides too. So much to see and do, so little time. Comments are closed.