It has been months since I’ve written a blog so I thought it might be a good idea to catch you up on everything I’ve been doing. So instead of writing a post on history or my other ponderings :) (Do you see what I did there?) I thought I would share some of my recent experience promoting my novellas. Now, I don’t enjoy promotion, but I do understand that it’s an essential part of the job. I learned this through the school of hard knocks. Nearly twenty years ago my husband and I had a small business in the Okanagan region of British Columbia, Canada. We had a good product and a great service at a bargain price, but the company didn’t grow as anticipated. Why? We were relying too heavily on word of mouth to promote our business and hadn’t budgeted enough money for sales and marketing. You can have the best product in the world, but if no one’s ever heard of it, it will not be a success. You need to announce your product and make sure everyone knows about it. That being said, I still have limited experience and knowledge of promotion and marketing, especially when it comes to books. A Woman of Honour went on sale for two weeks in February. I had a steep learning curve when it comes to promoting a $0.99 sale, but it was a wonderful experience. And then on 4th March A Woman of Love was released and also went on sale. And once again I was plunged into the marketing aspect of writing. There are websites that promote book deals and send out emails to their subscribers. Molly Green has a great list on her site at: One thing that became clear at the outset of my sale was that reviews count. The sites with the best results want books that are cheap and have a lot of reviews on Amazon. The minimum requirements vary from site to site and as I’m only promoting novellas, at this stage, my opportunities were very limited. I’ve heard some of the big names like Bookbud and Booksends are expensive but have excellent results. Neither of these sites accepts novellas so I can’t share any first hand experience. I have to admit I haven’t poured a lot of money into promotion. Although I believe you should promote your work, I am reluctant to invest too heavily into subscriber advertising. (This is a return on investment thing. There isn't enough profit margin.) I have decided instead to put my promotion dollars into a review book tour with Goddess Fish Promotions. On the grounds that reviews promote sales. You can find the details on my Appearances and Giveaways page. The biggest mistake I made with my $0.99 sale was not staggering my promotion efforts so I can’t tell you what worked and what didn’t. How can I tell if Bargain Booksy or Read Freely helped the sale of my books when they both sent out emails to their subscribers on the same day? Here are some of the sites that take novellas: Bargain Booksy – they have paid and free advertising: Hot Zippy - this includes Bargain Ebook hunter, Romance Ebooks and Pixelscroll: Here are some of the Facebook groups I used: Marketing for Romance writers Historical romance addicts Ebooks Promo Amazon Book club Korner Konnection Facebook Groups for 99c or Free Ebooks: What Promotional efforts have worked for you?4/10/2015 12:22:24 am
Thanks for a very informative post. I have tried many many sites for various promotions. I'm still pondering which are worth the money.
4/10/2015 03:27:47 am
I know what you mean. You don't mind paying a reasonable amount for something that works, but what really sells books?
Sandra Dailey
4/10/2015 01:21:58 am
Form a street team on Facebook. Give all your friends a shout out to join a group for you. They can copy and paste posts you write or ones they write themselves and share your news with each of their friends on Facebook, Twitter, etc... It's easy and free. Just use the place on the left side of your news feed. Give it a cute name and entertain your team with questions, contests and theme days a couple times a week.
4/10/2015 03:28:56 am
Thanks Sandra for the great ideas and information.
Barbara Bettis
4/10/2015 01:36:49 am
Great information. I really appreciate your sharing this.
Barb Bettis
4/10/2015 01:48:20 am
Oh, forgot to say--I recently tried a variety of options for promo a book and found Best Ebooks Free
4/10/2015 03:30:41 am
Thanks for sharing this great information Barb. I appreciate it.
Kayden Claremont
4/10/2015 02:34:43 am
Thanks for this wonderful information. Good luck with your book.
4/10/2015 03:31:13 am
Thanks Kayden. You too. 4/10/2015 02:55:25 am
Thanks for the info. and encouragement. Glad to know I'm not alone in the confusing world of promo!
4/10/2015 03:32:39 am
No Laura, you're definitely not alone. Good luck with your latest book. 4/10/2015 02:59:00 am
A very good post. I think we all struggle with promotion and finding the best way to get our novels or novellas in front of an audience.
4/10/2015 03:33:52 am
I agree, Judy Ann. Promotion is the hardest part of the job.
Debra Doggett
4/10/2015 04:22:58 am
Thanks for so much useful information. I struggle with marketing and promotion all the time. I can't see that what I've been doing has helped much so it's time to try new things and this info will help with that.
4/10/2015 04:34:46 am
My pleasure Debra and if you get a chance please come back and share your experiences with us. 4/10/2015 06:11:28 am
I've got four novellas that I'm considering putting on sale so your info is very timely. Thanks!
4/10/2015 06:31:07 am
Jana, Glad I could help. 4/11/2015 02:14:09 am
I don't have any advice to share as I'm behind the curve on my first release. I do have an upcoming 99 cent sale so I am loving all the info everyone else shared. Thank you, ladies!
4/11/2015 02:23:00 am
You're welcome and good luck with your sale. Comments are closed.